Ensure relevant documentation for alltransactions is checked and recorded when stock and / or fixed assets leave theStore or when Customers return stock.
- Minimum Grade 12 and 1 (one) yearwork related experience or 2 (two) years work related experience
- Ability to communicate in English andthe dominant language spoken in the geographical area where the position isavailable
- Must be literate
- Must have strong numeric skills
- Proven attention to detail
- Must be able to work under pressure
- Must be willing to work shifts,weekends and Public Holidays
- Ensure no goods leave Cashbuildstores without the relevant documentation
- Completed correct and full
- Correct date, time, sequence andsignature on document has been captured
- Ensure all Customer returns arecorrectly recorded in the End Controller book and authorised
- Ensure back up employee available forarea of responsibility with shift changes, lunch and tea breaks
- Sign the End Control keys IN / OUTdaily
- All exit / entry doors must be closedif not in use
- To ensure that loading andoff-loading shutter doors are closed at all times where not in use
- Report all suspicious behaviour andvehicles which could pose a risk to Cashbuild and its Customers to Management
- Conduct random searches on Employeeswhen they leave the Store
Customer Service
- Offer fast, friendly and efficientservice to all Cashbuild Customers when checking in and out Customers goods
- Direct Customers to relevant personwho can assist him / her.
Ready for Business
- Adhere to Ready for Business andBeyond my Control as per the CB Way